Top Ten Things to Get You Out of a Funk

So you’ve found yourself in a funk. I’m not talking about depression or anything serious that requires slightly more professional attention; I’m talking about PMS or just plain being in a bad mood, whether you know what caused it or not.

1. Exercise. I don’t care if this is yoga, dance, running, whatever is your jam, just move. As Elle Woods told us all “Exercise gives you endorphins, endorphins make you happy, happy people don’t shoot their husbands, they just don’t”.

2. Clean…you will feel incredibly accomplished if you adult-up and clean part of your house. Clean your room, your bathroom, your kitchen, the living room…use cleaning products…it makes you feel like you did something

3. Make your bed. Now some people do this every day…I’m not one of those people. If my bed is make, I feel like a productive member of the human race.

4. Treat Yo Self. This is my life philosophy. Life is short, if you can afford to, treat yo self with a special food treat or something. Retail therapy is always good therapy. Tight on money? Go to the library and get yourself a new book or movie.

5. Take a bath. I live by my bathtub, there is a huge stack of books and comic books there, I usually have a cup of tea or a glass of wine with my bath and there is ALWAYS some sort of LUSH Cosmetics product there to lift my spirits.

6. Laugh. Whether this is accomplished through listening/watching standup comedy, reading a humorous book, hanging out with a funny friend or watching a funny movie, laughter literally releases happy chemicals into your brain and you will thank yourself for this later.

7. Go some place fun. You can do this either with a friend or alone. I’ve done both. For me, these places include, Starbucks, Walt Disney World (a good ride on my favorite attraction paired with a hug from a character usually does the trick) and the Wizarding World of Harry Potter (or really anywhere in Universal).

8. Read a book. Take a break, sit down and read a book. i recommend an old favorite that transports you back to a wonderful time in your life or a magical place totally outside of the world. The first Harry Potter book is one of my top 5 choices, along with the Hobbit, Anna and the French Kiss or Looking for Alaska. (Looking for Alaska will induce tears if that’s what you need, a good cry).

9. Make something, bake something, cook something, build something, do one of those weird Pinterest projects you pinned ages ago! I tend to enjoy it more if I can eat it but to each their own.

10. Take a nap. Sometimes you just need to sleep it off. Put some good, calming music on and just sleep it off. You will likely feel better when you awake.

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